New definitions of isometric latitude and the Mercator projection of the ellipsoid

Miljenko Lapaine

Article ID: 6694
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2024


The article discusses the interrelationships of the loxodrome or rhumb line, isometric latitude, and the Mercator projection of the rotational ellipsoid. It is shown that by applying the isometric latitude, a very simple equation of the rhumb line on the ellipsoid is obtained. The consequence of this is that the isometric latitude can be defined using the generalized geodetic longitude and not only using the geodetic latitude, as was usual until now. Since the image of the rhumb line in the plane of the Mercator projection is a straight line, the isometric latitude can also be defined using this projection. Finally, a new definition of the normal aspect of the Mercator projection of the ellipsoid is given. It is a normal aspect cylindrical projection in which the images of the rhumb line on the ellipsoid are straight lines in the plane of projection that, together with the images of the meridians in the projection, form equal angles as the rhumb line forms with the meridians on the ellipsoid. The article provides essential knowledge to all those who are interested in the use of maps in navigation. It will be useful for teachers and students studying cartography and GIS, maritime, or applied mathematics. The author uses mathematical methods, especially differential geometry. The assumption is that the readers are no strangers to mathematical cartography.


map projection; rhumb line; isometric latitude; generalized longitude; ellipsoid

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