Particularities of deformation processes solution with GIS application for mining landscape reclamation in East Slovakia

Sedlak Vladimír, Poljakovic Peter

Article ID: 508
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2021

VIEWS - 6635 (Abstract) 2075 (PDF)


The influence of mining activity on the environment on the environment belongs to the most negative industrial influences. Mine subsidence on the surface can be a result of many deep underground mining activities. The present study offers the theory to the specific case of the deformation vectors solution in a case of disruption of the data homogeneity of the geodetic network structure in the monitoring station during periodical measurements in mine subsidence. The theory was developed for the mine subsidence at the abandoned magnesite mine of Košice-Bankov near the city of Košice in East Slovakia. The outputs from the deformation survey were implemented into geographical information system (GIS) applications to a process of gradual reclamation of whole mining landscape in the magnesite mine vicinity. After completion of the mining operations and liquidation of the mine company, it was necessary to determine the exact edges of the mine subsidence of Košice-Bankov with the zones of residual ground motion in order to implement a comprehensive reclamation of the devastated mining landscape. Requirement of knowledge about stability of the former mine subsidence was necessary for starting the reclamation work. Outputs from the present specific solutions of the deformation vectors confirmed the multi-year stability of the mine subsidence in the area of interest. Some numerical and graphical results from the deformation vectors survey in the abandoned magnesite mine of Košice-Bankov are presented. The obtained results were transformed into GIS for the needs of the municipality of Košice City to the implementation of the reclamation activities in the mining territory of Košice-Bankov.


Mine Subsidence; Deformation Vector; Geodetic Network; GIS; Reclamation

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