Overview of large scale map production with UAV based photogrammetric technique: A case study in Izmir-Cesme territory of Turkey

Yalçın Yılmaz, Mert Gürtürk, Barış Süleymanoğlu, Arzu Soycan, Metin Soycan

Article ID: 2164
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2023


UAVs, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles, have emerged as an efficient and flexible system for offering a rapid and cost-effective solution. In recent years, large-scale mapping using UAV photogrammetry has gained significant popularity and has been widely adopted in academia as well as the private sector. This study aims to investigate the technical aspects of this field, provide insights into the procedural steps involved, and present a case study conducted in Cesme, Izmir. The findings derived from the case study are thoroughly discussed, and the potential applications of UAV photogrammetry in large-scale mapping are examined. The study area is divided into 12 blocks. The flight plans and the distribution of ground control point (GCP) locations were determined based on these blocks. As a result of the data processing procedure, average GCP positional errors ranging from 1 to 18 cm have been obtained for the blocks.


UAV; DEM; DSM; GCP; map production; photogrammetry

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jgc.v6i2.2164


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