GIS and geomorphological mapping applied to landslide inventory and susceptibility mapping in the El Estado River basin, Pico de Ori-zaba, Mexico
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022
With the purpose of strengthening the knowledge and prevention of landslide disasters, this work develops a methodology that integrates geomorphological mapping with the elaboration of landslide susceptibility maps using geographic information systems (GIS) and the multiple logistic regression method (MLR). In Mexico, some isolated works have been carried out with GIS to evaluate slope stability. However, to date, no practical and standardized method has been developed to integrate geomorphological maps with landslide inventories using GIS. This paper shows the analysis carried out to develop a multitemporal landslide inventory together with the morphometric analysis and mapping technique for the El Estado River basin where, selected as the study area, is located on the southwestern slope of the Citlaltepetl or Pico de Orizaba volcano. The geological and geomorphological factors in combination with the high seasonal precipitation, the high degree of weathering and the steep slopes predispose its surfaces to landslides. To assess landslide susceptibility, a landslide inventory map was prepared using aerial photographs, followed by geomorphometric mapping (altimetry, slopes and geomorphology) and field work. With this information, landslide susceptibility was modeled using multiple logistic regression (MLR) within a GIS platform and the landslide susceptibility map was obtained.
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Copyright (c) 2022 José Fernando Aceves Quesada, Gabrie Legorreta Paulín, José Lugo Hubp, Juan Umaña Romero, Héctor Alfredo Legorreta Cuevas

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