Automatic matching of multi-scale road network under the constraint of small-scale road mesh
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2022
Aiming at the problem of road network multi-scale matching, a multi-scale road matching method under the constraint of road mesh of small-scale data has been proposed. First, two road meshes with different scale data are constructed; Secondly, under the constraint of the small-scale road mesh, the composite mesh composed of several road meshes in the large-scale road is extracted, and the mesh matching with the small-scale road mesh is completed; Then, many-to-many matching of road meshes with different scales is realized; finally, the matching relationship between composite mesh and small-scale road mesh is transformed into the matching between multi-scale road mesh boundary roads and internal roads, and the matching of the whole road network is completed. The experimental results show that this method can better realize the matching of multi-scale road network.
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