Generation of (industrial) noise maps from geographic information systems. An approach from the literature
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022
Context: Noise in the work environment, in all types of productive activities, represents a hazard and has not really been valued in its real dimension. Little has been seen that stakeholders have determined the urgency of managing noise control programs. Therefore, losses resulting from medical treatment and absenteeism, represented in health care and social services, result in hidden work-related costs that directly affect the gross domestic product in any country.
Method: This article compiles different case studies from around the world. The studies were divided for review into general studies on the effects of workforce noise and then particularized according to the effects of industrial noise on workers’ health. At a control level, the assessment and measurement of noise is defined through the use of tools such as noise maps and their respective derivations, in addition to spatial databases.
Results: According to the collection of information and its analysis, we observe that in the medium term, the economies will be diminished in an important percentage due to the consequences generated by the exposure to noise. Specific information can be found in the development of the article.
Conclusions: The data provided by the case studies point to the need for Colombia, a country that is no stranger to this phenomenon, and which additionally has the great disadvantage of not having significant studies in the field of noise analysis, should strengthen studies based on spatial data as a mechanism for measurement and control.
Financing: Fundación universitaria Los Libertadores.
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