Research progress and prospects of green development from the perspective of geography
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2020
Influenced by global financial crisis in 2008, many countries around the world have realized the significance of sustainable development. And green development, as the most important pathway to sustainability, has been implemented by various countries. In this context, green development has drawn great attention from academic researchers both at home and abroad in recent years and has become an interdisciplinary-oriented research direction. As an applied basic research field for exploring the structural change of resources and environment as well as regional sustainable development, geography plays an essential role in the research of green development. Based on an intensive literature review, this article firstly summarized the connotation and analytical framework of green development. Secondly, it systematically outlined the progress of green development research from the perspective of geography and thus extracted seven themes, that is, the influencing factors of green development, assessment methods, spatial and temporal characteristics of green development, green development and industrial transformation, green transformation of resource-based cities, the effect of green development, and green development institutions and recommendations. Comments were made on the existing studies including their shortcomings. Finally, future research emphases were discussed, aiming to provide references for further study on green development from the perspective of geography in China.
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