Application of the SWAT model for water budgeting and water resource planning in Oued Cherraa basin (northeastern Morocco)
Vol 8, Issue 1, 2025
This study focuses on the use of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for water budgeting and resource planning in Oued Cherraa basin. The combination of hydrological models such as SWAT with reliable meteorological data makes it possible to simulate water availability and manage water resources. In this study, the SWAT model was employed to estimate hydrological parameters in the Oued Cherra basin, utilizing meteorological data (2012–2020) sourced from the Moulouya Hydraulic Basin Agency (ABHM). The hydrology of the basin is therefore represented by point data from the Tazarhine hydrological station for the 2009–2020 period. In order to optimize the accuracy of a specific model, namely SWAT-CUP, a calibration and validation process was carried out on the aforementioned model using observed flow data. The SUFI-2 algorithm was utilized in this process, with the aim of enhancing its precision. The performance of the model was then evaluated using statistical parameters, with particular attention being given to Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and coefficient of determination (R2). The NSE values for the study were 0.58 for calibration and 0.60 for validation, while the corresponding R2 values were 0.66 and 0.63. The study examined 16 hydrological parameters for Oued Cherra, determining that evapotranspiration accounted for 89% of the annual rainfall, while surface runoff constituted only 6%. It also showed that groundwater recharge was pretty much negligible. This emphasized how important it is to manage water resources effectively. The calibrated SWAT model replicated flow patterns pretty well, which gave us some valuable insights into the water balance and availability. The study’s primary conclusions were that surface water is limited and that shallow aquifers are a really important source of water storage, especially for irrigation during droughts.
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