A Study on the Reconstruction of Western Regions’ Ancient Sites in Tang Poetry Under AIGC and VR Empowerment: A Case Study of Loulan

Yi Zhao

Article ID: 9725
Vol 7, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 0 (Abstract) 0 (PDF)


Ancient relics in the Western Regions refer to the remnants of historic structures located in these areas.Using the example of Loulan from Tang poetry, and drawing on Mary Lou’s digital narrative theory and Daoist concepts of interdependence, this paper analyzes how
AIGC enhances VR imagery through spatiotemporal embedding. It also discusses the contemporary value and significance of AIGC + VR in
the reconstructive creation of Tang poetry relics.


Tang Poetry; VR + AIGC; Intelligent Interaction

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/ijmss.v7i9.9725


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