Train Shunting Operation Plan for Detachment and Coupling

Fei Wang

Article ID: 9724
Vol 7, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 2 (Abstract) 3 (PDF)


This paper focus on two study cases for shunting train stocks which are required to be broken by two sections. First the position of
the pulling out of the train stock shall be confirmed before detaching, followed by breaking up carriages or train stock according to the destinations. Then locomotive back to the line where the train stock waiting and pull out the other carriages and break them up again. Finally, all
the carriages are made up in order and ready for departure.
Shunting list is used in the shunting operation to help railway working staff and locomotives to apply and check the lines. Shunting trip
such as wagon coupling trips and wagon uncoupling trips are calculated in the shunting plan in both two study cases. In the end, the railway
station is supposed to take the least shunting lines, least wagon coupling trip, least wagon uncoupling trip and least shunting working time to
deal with the most shunting work.


Shunting Plan; Wagon Coupling Trips; Wagon Uncoupling Trips

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1. [1] Peng Qiyuan, Wang Ciguang, Organisation of Train Operation, Chapter 1, The Theory and Methods of Shunting Work, 2006, p:25.



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