Kang Youwei’s Thoughts from The Book of the Great Unity

Ru Yan

Article ID: 9722
Vol 7, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 0 (Abstract) 2 (PDF)


The Book of the Great Unity, written by Kang Youwei, expounds the idea of a ‘cosmopolitan world’ in which all people are equal,
and its description of an ideal society is clear and profound. Kang Youwei’s criticism of the existing social order and his aspiration for a
world free of exploitation and oppression, as well as freedom and equality, fully reflected his careful consideration of the turbulent social
reality at that time. His thoughts did not exist in isolation, but had their unique historical and cultural background and real-life context, including the background of the times, the experience and lessons of social reforms, as well as his personal life experiences, which profoundly
influenced Kang Youwei’s system of thought.


Kang Youwei; Cosmopolitan World; Cosmopolitan Book

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/ijmss.v7i9.9722


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