Exploring the dilemma of human nature under the logic of capital in the digital survival era

Yating Zhou

Article ID: 9716
Vol 7, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 2 (Abstract) 3 (PDF)


The arrival of the digital survival era has brought great changes to the human society. The logic of capital can operate in a broader
scope. Through data analysis, artificial intelligence and other technical means, it can realize the accurate grasp of the market and the optimal
allocation of resources. However, the abuse and alienation of digital technology by capital logic also produces a series of problems, such as
information overload, social isolation, privacy leakage, etc., which make people ignore the essential needs and values of human beings in
the process of pursuing profit maximization, leading to the loss and distortion of human nature. Therefore, it is necessary to deeply reflect on
and criticize the relationship between digital technology and the logic of capital, not only to make full use of the convenience and benefits
brought by digital technology, but also to be alert to the negative impact of digital technology under the logic of capital.


Digital Survival; Alienation; Capital Logic; Human Nature Dilemma

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/ijmss.v7i9.9716


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