Application of Optimization Algorithm in Automatic Production Scheduling

Weijuan Li, Jun Wang, Rui Guo, Jian Zhang, Feng Su

Article ID: 8565
Vol 7, Issue 8, 2024


Automatic production scheduling is a crucial activity in modern manufacturing, which involves the rational arrangement of production tasks to maximize production efficiency, minimize manufacturing costs, and meet customer needs. In the increasingly complex and diverse production environment, production demand may also change at any time, and traditional production scheduling methods are no longer able to meet the needs of modern manufacturing. Optimization algorithms, as an efficient and accurate decision-making tool, have been widely applied in the field of automatic production scheduling. This article aims to explore the application of optimization algorithms in automatic production scheduling, analyze their principles, types, advantages and disadvantages, as well as application cases in industrial practice, in order to provide reference for research and practice in related fields such as production scheduling.


Optimization Algorithm; Automatic Production Scheduling; Production Scheduling; Resource Allocation; Optimization Strategy

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