Review of the quality assessment and effect tracking of after-school service courses of science and technology in primary schools

Haoyu Zhu, Yuhan Xu

Article ID: 8331
Vol 7, Issue 7, 2024


From the global perspective, the international science and technology competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In order to meet
the needs of the current social development, the after-school service of science and technology has developed in depth, but the potential problems have gradually emerged. The difference between the quality of after-school service of science and technology in primary schools and
the deviation between the effect and expectation of after-school service of science and technology have increasingly become a problem that
cannot be ignored in the after-school service of science and technology. This paper conducts a literature review on the quality assessment and
effect tracking of after-school service courses in primary schools, and finally reviews the existing studies.


After-school Service; Science and Technology Education; Quality Evaluation and Effect Tracking

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