An Analysis on the C-E Translation of the Museum of the Yao Nationality from Cultural Translation Theory

Xianqi Zhu

Article ID: 4137
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2024


The museum of the Yao nationality, opened to the tourists in 1992, is located in the Jinxiu county of Guangxi province, China. The
museum has been equipped with both Chinese and English publicity materials to people, which is convenient to the world to know more of
Yao nationality. Under the guidance of Cultural Translation Theory, this paper aims at studying the English translation of the publicity ma_x005fterials in the museum, analyzes and improves some English publicity material so as to make the text more readable and understandable to
the foreign tourists. Based on the case analysis, the paper summarizes some useful translation techniques and methods under the guidance of
Cultural Translation Theory.


museum translation; Cultural Translation Theory; Yao nationality in Jinxiu county

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