Mistranslation and Countermeasures in Business Translation from the Perspective of Pragmatics

Feifei Lan, Luning Man

Article ID: 4134
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2024

VIEWS - 130 (Abstract) 150 (PDF)


With the continuous development of China’s economy, business communication between China and the West is increasing, and
business translation is becoming increasingly important. However, in the process of business translation, there are some translation errors due
to various factors. How to solve such mistranslation problems is a key issue that needs to be considered, which has the significance and value
of in-depth research. This paper is based on the perspective of pragmatics, combined with examples of business translation, to explore mis_x005ftranslation and countermeasures in business translation.


pragmatics; business translation; mistranslation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/ijmss.v7i1.4134


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