The Path and Implementation of Civic-Political Construction of University English Courses under the Three-Whole Parent_x005fing Mode

Yan Chen

Article ID: 4118
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2024


In today’s higher education, the “three-round education” model has become a widely discussed and respected educational philos_x005fophy. This model aims to comprehensively cultivate students’ moral quality, intellectual ability and physical quality, so that they can better
adapt to the needs of modern society. In this context, the ideological and political construction of university English courses has emerged as
a key link in the university education system. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the path and implementation strategy of the ideological
and political construction of university English courses under the mode of “Three-Whole Parenting”, and to study how to combine the modern education concepts to make university English education become an effective way to cultivate all-round talents. Through this mission, we
can better meet the challenges of the times and cultivate more graduates with comprehensive quality for the society, who will play an important role in the future field.


three-whole-parenting model; university English; curriculum ideology and politics

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