Interaction of light with lead halide perovskites: A review
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2019
Lead halide perovskites are the new rising generation of semiconductor materials due to their unique optical and electrical properties. The investigation of the interaction of halide perovskites and light is a key issue not only for understanding their photophysics but also for practical applications. Hence, tremendous efforts have been devoted to this topic and brunch into two: (i) decomposition of the halide perovskites thin films under light illumination; and (ii) influence of light soaking on their photoluminescence (PL) properties. In this review, we for the first time thoroughly compare the illumination conditions and the sample environment to correlate the PL changes and decomposition of perovskite under light illumination. In the case of vacuum and dry nitrogen, PL of the halide perovskite (MAPbI3–xClx, MAPbBr3–xClx, MAPbI3) thin films decreases due to the defects induced by light illumination, and under high excitations, the thin film even decomposes. In the presence of oxygen or moisture, light induces the PL enhancement of halide perovskite (MAPbI3) thin films at low light illumination, while increasing the excitation, which causes the PL to quench and perovskite thin film to decompose. In the case of mixed halide perovskite ((MA)Pb(BrxI1-x)3) light induces reversible segregation of Br domains and I domains.
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