Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development

Green and Intelligent Industry 4.0 Technologies, Organizational Transformation, and The Achievement of ESG

Submission deadline: 2024-12-31
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

The convergence of digital transformation and sustainability development is shaping the future of business operations, offering opportunities to reduce environmental impact and improve performance. The urgent need to mitigate climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions is a key driver behind this transformation. Research indicates that adopting digitally intelligent technologies can optimize resource use, minimize waste, and improve supply chain management, leading to better bottom-line performance.

Digital transformation can improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and increase resource productivity through smart energy systems and data analytics. Green and digital transformation also enhances supply chain efficiency, transparency, circular economy practices, and can result in substantial cost savings. Furthermore, it creates opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurial growth, enabling companies to meet the demand for sustainable solutions and create new products and services.

The integration of green and intelligent Industry 4.0 technologies and the achievement of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals in industrial organizations is an understudied area. Understanding how to effectively integrate digital technologies into green transformation strategies and measure their impact is crucial. This knowledge gap hinders the creation of a sustainable future and the economic potential of green and digital transformation.

The Special Issue of a journal focuses on the interplay between green and intelligent Industry 4.0 technologies, organizational transformation, and ESG goals. It aims to advance understanding, provide a platform for sharing research findings, and contribute to a comprehensive theoretical and practical framework for the successful implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies supporting ESG goals.

The suggested research questions cover various aspects, including the contribution of Industry 4.0 technologies to ESG goals, barriers and enablers of integration, transparency and accountability, governance implications, organizational culture and leadership, stakeholder roles, measurement and reporting of ESG performance, ethical considerations, industry-specific challenges, supply chain management, value co-creation, policy and regulation, skills and competencies, return on investment, support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), circular economy, risks and opportunities in emerging economies, and interdisciplinary research and collaboration.

In summary, the green and intelligent transformation of enterprise in the context of Industry 4.0 for ESG is a significant topic with implications for business competitiveness and environmental sustainability. The Special Issue aims to address the knowledge gap and provide insights into the effective implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies supporting ESG goals.

Submissions should be prepared according to the manuscript guidelines ( and submitted through the journal's online submission system. Please indicate that the submission is for the Special Issue on "Green and Intelligent Industry 4.0 Technologies, Organizational Transformation, and The Achievement of ESG."

Planned Papers


Industry 4.0; green technologies; intelligent technologies; environmental, social, and governance (ESG); organizational transformation; sustainable development; corporate governance; transparency; accountability; supply chain management; innovative business models; policy and regulation; skills and competencies; return on investment (ROI); small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); circular economy; interdisciplinary research; collaboration

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