EnPress Journals

Special Issue Policy

1. What is a Special Issue?

EnPress Publisher has launched the Special Issue Program. A Special Issue is a collection of research hotspots or topics in specific fields in a certain period. A group of guest editors who are experts in this discipline, has the responsibility to drive the special issue program. Manuscripts accepted will be selected to publish in a regular volume/issue.

Benefits of Special Issue

  • The research will be more quickly discovered and cited by researchers in the same field.

  • It is better to promote academic exchanges in this field, avoid repetition of topics, and identify the research objectives at the next step.

  • It could learn and integrate the latest achievements in a field more quickly.

  • It is better to broaden the visibility and maximize the impact of a certain field so that more experts could focus on the topic.

Benefits of being Guest Editors

  • It is helpful in expanding the popularity of guest editors.

  • It is faster to initiate the communication with international peers in this field, and establish co-operatives ties with them.

  • It helps to learn the latest research.

  • Guest Editors could publish one article without any APCs in this journal as your privilege.

2. How to drive a Special Issue?

There are two ways to obtain a special issue proposal.

  • Assistant Editor will invite experts in hot fields as guest editors to submit a professional proposal.

  • Readers or authors could submit proposals to editorial office of the journal website, and EiC or senior editors will evaluate them for the viability and suitability for this journal.

Preparation for a proposal

A great topic is the vital element for success. Any candidate topic will be selected by EiC or senior editors for considering whether it is consistent with the scope of this journal. A good proposal topic has significant interest to the most readers of this journal. Hot topics during some period are usually considered to be more attractive.

A proposal should include necessary information:

  • The group of Guest Editors

  • Types of manuscript

  • Main topics

  • Submission deadline

  • Keywords

3. Special Issue Ethics

EnPress Publisher abides to the Code of Conduct of COPE and Best Practice Guidelines in all the editorial process. The journal’s Editorial Policies should be followed, and any potential unethical submission will not gone to the next stage. EnPress Publisher promises to protect the confidentiality of all submissions unless the publishing needs. Any guest editor or reviewer must strictly abide by the Conflict of Interest in the journal, and they are asked to inform the Editorial Office if any potential conflict of interests exists, then the Editorial Office may consider to change the editor or reviewer. As authors, they are asked to provide a list of avoided experts. Please appeal to editorial@enpress-publisher.com for any requests related to manuscript promotion. More policies are consistent with the journal's editorial and publishing policies.

4. Workflow of Special Issue

The peer review process of submissions to a Special Issue strictly follows the journal's peer review process.