Journal of Geography and Cartography

Geomorphic Analysis of Fluvial Response to Active Tectonics

Submission deadline: 2024-04-30
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

This Special issues aims to explore the geomorphic response of rivers to active tectonics. As the Earth continues to evolve, active tectonics have profound impacts on the morphology and evolution of surface rivers. Therefore, this call for papers will focus on the analysis of river geomorphic features, sediment quality, hydrological characteristics, and how these features are influenced by active tectonics. We welcome submissions from researchers and scholars in the fields of Earth sciences, hydrology, geography, and related disciplines to discuss this hot topic together.

Planned Papers


Fluvial Response; Active Tectonics; Geomorphic Features; Sediment Quality; Hydrological Characteristics; River Morphology; Evolution; Earth Sciences; Hydrology; Geography

Published Paper