Study on Morphology and Dynamics of Channel Active Bed Morphology
Special Issue Information
In river morphology, the dynamics of flow and sediment transport are principal elements. Sediment transport and morphology is a complex and dynamic process in nature that results from the interactions of coastal hydrodynamics, turbulence, and sediment particles. In natural rivers, the banks and bed usually have different roughness. The bank roughness elements include bank materials, hydraulic structures, vegetation, etc., while the bed roughness elements include the rigid materials as well as the movable bed forms, such as sand ripples, sand dunes, alternate bars, islands, etc. In addition, the numerical methods used in the discretization of flow and sediment transport equations include the finite element model, finite difference model, finite volume model, finite analytical model, efficient element method, etc. we encourage the submission of articles, reviews. The purpose of these studies is to provide solutions for sediment control, existing gaps, river restoration and predicting changes in rivers due to floods and bed morphology changes.