Two cases of COVID-19 vaccine-related erythema multiforme under the administration of immune checkpoint inhibitors

Ayako Matsuo, Chisa Nakashima, Shigeto Yanagihara, Atsushi Otsuka

Article ID: 2683
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2023

VIEWS - 425 (Abstract) 213 (PDF)


The COVID-19 pandemic has increased mRNA vaccine usage and revealed various cutaneous adverse events, such as injection site reactions, urticaria, and morbilliform eruptions. Multiple centers have reported erythema multiforme (EM) as a COVID-19 vaccine-associated adverse event. Our center observed two cases of EM in patients receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) after COVID-19 vaccination. Notably, ICI administration is known to cause cutaneous adverse events, including EM. A previous report indicated that administering COVID-19 vaccination to patients receiving ICI treatment could promote severe systemic symptoms. This raise concerns that COVID-19 vaccination might rapidly worsen skin rashes in these patients. Our report demonstrates that skin rash related to COVID-19 vaccine-induced EM in ICI-treated patients does not significantly differ from that of COVID-19 vaccine-related EM. Additionally, in both cases, the skin rash resolved without exacerbation. Further research is necessary to determine optimal management strategies. However, our findings provide reassurance that COVID-19 vaccination is safe in ICI-treated patients and should not be avoided.


COVID-19 vaccine; erythema multiforme; immune checkpoint inhibitor

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