Driving SME growth and learning effectiveness: The role of analyzer orientation, learning capability, and innovation

Thu-Hang Le, Khuong Ngoc Mai, Phuong Ngoc-Duy Nguyen

Article ID: 6908
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024

VIEWS - 136 (Abstract) 43 (PDF)


This study, drawing on the Knowledge-Based View (KBV) and Contingency Theory, explores how analyzer strategic orientation, learning capability, technical innovation, administrative innovation, and SME growth and learning effectiveness are interrelated. Analyzing cross-sectional data from 407 founders, cofounders, and managers of trade and service SMEs in Vietnam’s Southeast Key Economic Region through PLS-SEM, the research demonstrates that analyzer orientation positively impacts both technical and administrative innovation, thereby bolstering SME growth and learning effectiveness. However, learning capability does not significantly impact technical innovation or growth and learning effectiveness. Instead, learning capability negatively affects administrative innovation. Notably, technical and administrative innovations act as mediators between analyzer orientation and SME growth and learning effectiveness. The study provides practical insights tailored for SMEs navigating dynamic market environments like Vietnam, enriching theoretical understanding of SME strategic management within the trade and service sector.


analyzer orientation; learning capability; technical innovation; administrative innovation; growth and learning effectiveness

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i8.6908


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