Assessing business satisfaction with halal certification services: An evaluation of halal assurance agency performance using the SERVQUAL model

Warnis Warnis, Fauziah Fauziah, Dwi Martiningsih, Ibnu Hasan Muchtar, Rahmat Saehu, Miguel Angel Esquivias, Lyla Rachmaningtyas

Article ID: 6418
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024

VIEWS - 534 (Abstract)


This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of business actors with halal certification services by the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH), the only Indonesian government-owned agency for halal certification. This study uses a mixed method (quantitative-qualitative), with data collected using questionnaires involving 2367 respondents. The overall quality of certification services was evaluated using key dimensions from the perspective of the Service Quality Model (SERVQUAL), such as (1) certification requirements, (2) information and procedures, (3) completion time, (4) costs/tariffs, (5) service products, (6) competencies of executors, (7) executor behavior, (8) complaint handling, and (9) suggestions and inputs. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and the analysis of the weighted average of each dimension of satisfaction with the quality of public services. This study revealed that the overall satisfaction level of business actors was 84.86 (0–100). Among the nine indicators measured, eight fall within the “good” category (above 80.19); one indicator, i.e., the processing time of halal certification, was rated unsatisfactory (76.45); and none was classified as “very good.” The service gap between business actors’ expectations and BPJPH’s service delivery indicates the need to improve halal certification services. These include improvement in completion time, the executive’s behavior, costs, infrastructure, and information and procedures to streamline the certification process. The application of the SERVQUAL model in assessing halal certification standards in this study highlights the specific dimensions of service quality and the performance gaps, suggesting the need for continuous improvement to meet customer expectations effectively. This study examines halal certification services from BPJPH based on inputs from a large sample of Indonesian companies.


service quality; halal certification; customer satisfaction; public service; SERVQUAL model; small and medium enterprises (SMEs); product assurance

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