Semantic networks and scientific knowledge: A comparative analysis across disciplines

Dary Lucia Nieto-Súa, Nubia Yaneth Gómez-Velasco, Ingrid Selene Torres-Rojas

Article ID: 6409
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024

VIEWS - 123 (Abstract) 46 (PDF)


This study analyzes in a comparative way the psychological meanings that social science and basic science researchers assign to the term “research”. Using the Natural Semantic Networks technique with 127 participants from a Colombian public university, we sought to unravel the distinctive epistemological and methodological positions between these disciplines. The findings reveal that, although both groups closely associate research with knowledge, they differ in the lexical network and associated terms, reflecting their different epistemological approaches. Basic science researchers emphasize terms such as “innovation” and “experimentation,” while social science researchers lean toward “solving” and “learning.” Despite the variability in the associated words, “knowledge” remains the common core, suggesting a shared basis in the perception of research. These results show the importance of considering disciplinary differences in research training and knowledge generation. The study concludes that research contributes significantly to both the advancement of individual disciplines and social welfare, urging future research to explore these dynamics in broader contexts to enrich interdisciplinary understanding and foster cooperation in knowledge generation.


psychological meaning; research; semantic networks; social sciences; basic sciences

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