Due to the COVID-19 pandemic: Maintaining economic growth by conducting catastrophic policy without considering adaptive structuration and foresight orientation

Sumiyana Sumiyana

Article ID: 6403
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


When COVID-19 hit all the Asian countries, Indonesia issued various laws and regulations. This study investigates these laws that do not improve the country’s ability to increase its adaptive structuration and foresight-oriented investment. It analyzes all the new laws, which should be based on the requirements of both concepts. It considers that all the laws are intended to defend the Government of Indonesia’s economic performance (GoI). It means that all the established regulations were built on the premise that they only focused on national economic preservation, especially economic growth. In other words, this study stated that the absence of regulations containing adaptive restructuration and foresight-oriented investment would decrease the state’s agility. This absence potentially impacts Indonesia to zcategorize the future as the state’s political failure. It shows evidence that Indonesia could not enforce and empower its structural potential. This study indicates that Indonesia made no foresight-oriented investment to cover the disbursed costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Future policies should be improved by including growth opportunities to enhance Indonesia’s agility. This agility could finally be achieved when all the laws issued by the GoI do not contain the praxis.


adaptive structuration; foresight; political failure; growth opportunity; agility

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i8.6403


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