The effect of natural environment, tourism infrastructure, perceived social benefit, and perceived barriers on residents’ attitude towards agrotourism in Seremban, Malaysia

Wong Chee Hoo, Alex Ng Hou Hong, Sudhakar Madhavedi, Ree Chan Ho, Kwang Sing Ngui, Manoch Prompayo

Article ID: 6370
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


The rising trend of tourists selecting agrotourism as a tourist destination has become an intriguing study issue. Seremban is a well-known tourist attraction that is popular among visitors. As a result, Seremban has been selected as the study site. However, river pollution may have an influence on Seremban’s natural environment and agrotourism potential. Furthermore, inadequate infrastructure, such as unauthorized parking, exacerbated the inhabitants’ problems. A growing number of young people leave Seremban to pursue employment or further education in other cities, with no desire to work as farmers. The labor scarcity has also made it difficult for farmers to grow their farms. Consequently, the study aims to examine how factors such as the natural environment, tourist infrastructure, perceived social advantages, and perceived barriers influence the attitudes of Seremban residents towards agrotourism, with a focus on its potential for driving economic growth. This study adopts quantitative research methods, employing descriptive and causal research designs. Primary data collection is conducted through questionnaires, supplemented by secondary data. Non-probability quota sampling is utilized due to the absence of a specific sampling frame, with a sample size of 385 respondents determined using G*Power software. Constructs are developed based on previous research, and the questionnaire comprises Likert-scale items to gauge attitudes and perceptions. A pilot study assesses the instrument’s reliability. Data analysis is performed using SPSS software, encompassing multiple linear regression and Pearson correlation analyses in addition to descriptive statistics. The findings provide valuable insights into the factors driving residents’ perceptions of agrotourism in Seremban, emphasizing the importance of the natural environment, tourism infrastructure, perceived social benefits, and perceived barriers in shaping attitudes. Additionally, the study highlights the resilience of residents’ positive attitudes toward agrotourism, despite potential challenges and barriers identified. Overall, these results offer implications for policymakers and stakeholders involved in tourism development in the region.


agriculture; natural environment; tourism infrastructure; perceived social benefits; perceived barriers; attitude; agrotourism

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