An accounting review of regional and central budgeting dynamics in Indonesia

Eva Herianti, Amor Marundha, Haryanto Haryanto

Article ID: 6355
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024

VIEWS - 146 (Abstract) 135 (PDF)


This research aims to assess the impact of bargaining power on budget implementation while also considering the deviation in capital expenditure as a moderating factor. The research sample included 34 provincial governments in Indonesia between 2019 and 2022. The sample determination method used purposive sampling, so the final sample size was 134 observations. The research employed panel data regression to test the hypotheses and continued with the Chow, Lagrange multiplier, and Hausman tests. The study results indicate that bargaining power has a positive and significant effect on budget implementation, with the deviation in capital expenditure not diminishing its impact. The research’s practical implication is that regional governments must effectively manage their revenues to finance regional spending needs through regional tax intensification and extensification policies. The study contributes to signaling theory by highlighting that regional governments can finance regional spending needs through fiscal independence and society’s involvement. It also contributes to agency theory by demonstrating that capital expenditure deviation in the form of information asymmetry in regional governments does not reduce their ability to finance regional expenditure needs. Nonetheless, the study suggests that the proxies used in this research are limited, and further exploration of other proxies to measure tested variables. This research provides new knowledge for stakeholders regarding the dynamics of regional budgeting, especially regarding assessing the impact of bargaining power on budget implementation and considering deviations in capital expenditure as a moderating factor.


agency theory; bargaining power; budget implementation; capital expenditure deviation; signaling theory

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