Acceptance and use of live streaming on metaverse in Vietnam: An analysis with the UTAUT2

Anh-Hoai Duc Nguyen, Nhi-Uyen Truong Pham, Po-Tsun Lin, Tri-Quan Dang, Phuc-Thien Tran, Tung-Thanh Le, Tien-Thao Cong Phan, Luan-Thanh Nguyen

Article ID: 6069
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024

VIEWS - 565 (Abstract)


Virtual environments like the Metaverse have been gaining popularity in recent years. Live streaming has gained popularity as a favorite way to entertain among social network users, thanks to its real-time authenticity. This study will utilize the Extended Unified Theory of Acceptability and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) to examine the factors influencing the adoption of live streaming in the Metaverse, a new platform with greater immersion, among citizens in Vietnam. The research used a quantitative approach, collected data from a sample of participants through a structured questionnaire including Performance Expectancy (PEE), Effort Expectancy (EEF), Social Influence (SCI), Hedonic Motivation (HEM), and Experience (EXP). Additionally, technological Self-Efficacy (TSE) as an extended alternative is thought to influence that relationship as well. Results from the PLS-SEM technique was used to examine perception, acceptance, and adoption differences among demographic groups. Remarkably, the results show experience has a remarkable impact on the relationship between behavioral intention and the adoption use Metaverse for livestreaming. This study contributes theoretical value for investors and researchers on the entertainment and technology sectors due to the abilities of the live-streaming industry and the advanced features of metaverse in this digital world.


adoption; virtual environment; technology; mixed-reality; use behavior

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