Assessing the influence of college reputation on student expectations, perceived value, and satisfaction in higher education institutions of Pathum Thani Province, Thailand

Sipnarong Kanchanawongpaisan, Fei Zhou, Betty Wan Niu Voon, Liangyan Lu, Rachel Sing-Ee Tan

Article ID: 5615
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


This study investigates the factors influencing student satisfaction at higher education institutions in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand. The research uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the connections among College Reputation, Student Expectation, Perception Value, and Student Satisfaction based on a sample of 660 students. The results indicate that the student population is diverse, with most students enrolled in the Faculty of Business Administration in their first year. The Pearson’s correlation matrix and structural equation modeling (SEM) findings indicate significant positive correlations between the dimensions, emphasizing the crucial influence of College Reputation on both Student Expectation and Student Satisfaction. The goodness-of-fit indices validate the model’s strength, indicating a significant correspondence between the theoretical components and the observed data. This study enhances the comprehension of how student satisfaction changes in Thai higher education and offers practical suggestions for institutional policies to improve student’s educational experiences and achievements. Higher education institutions may create a more fulfilling and effective learning environment by prioritizing reputation improvement, ensuring student expectations match reality, and providing perceived value to improve education quality and equality for Thailand.


student satisfaction; higher education; college reputation; education quality

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