Implementation of link and match policy to enhance employment of graduates: A case study in vocational high schools
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
This study aims to explore the link and match policy through industrial classes and its impact on the competence and employability of Vocational High School (VHS) graduates. The importance of this research is to address the gap between education and industry by assessing the effectiveness of industrial classes in improving the skills and employability of VHS graduates. Horison Industrial Class (HIC) in 4 schools, namely: (1) SMKN 57 Jakarta, 2 batches of Hospitality expertise programs; (2) SMKN 6 Yogyakarta, there are 3 batches of Hospitality expertise programs; (3) SMKN 6 Semarang, there are 2 batches of Hospitality expertise programs; (4) SMKN 2 Semarang. This research emphasizes the important role of industry involvement and commitment in aligning the curriculum with industry needs. The field findings show that the implementation of the link and match policy through industrial classes significantly affects the quality of learning in VHS. The study also highlights the influence of government support and industry associations in ensuring the successful implementation of industrial classes. Student participation in industry classes directly enriches their learning experiences by allowing them to engage in direct practice in a real work environment. These findings can contribute to the implementation of policies and regulations in the field of education, especially in the context of vocational education. The findings of this study can also be applied to vocational students to improve the quality of graduates in order to meet the qualification standards of employees in companies or industries.
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