Legal framework governing consumers’ protection in digital banking in Saudi Arabia
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
There is fast growth of digital banking services in Saudi Arabia clearly shows the necessity of well-considered legal decisions. However, there is an obscurity with respect to protecting consumers’ rights and creating a reliable atmosphere for digital finance through legal framework in the digital banking sector in the Kingdom. The primary aims and objectives of this research is to scrutinize the digital banking consumers’ protection legal framework being overseen in Saudi Arabia, analyzing its content, mechanisms, and impact on different stakeholders. Similarly, the study tires to determine its efficacy as well as identify the roadblocks which can prevent its success. Through an extensive review and examination, the evaluation defines key issues, difficulties and finalizes statements about the legal field. The content analysis methodology was used to help address issues emanating from the existing literature. Various scholarly articles, policy documents, and regulatory guidelines were explored. In other words, data for this study were collected through different search sources such as journals, traditional articles of Google Scholar, policy documents, and library sources. A total of 25 articles were explored and contributed immensely to unveiling various aspects of the legal framework of digital banking as well as consumers’ protection in the Kingdom. The findings of this investigation have identified three basic themes on the domestic legal regulation of consumers’ protection in the digital banking system in Saudi Arabia. First, the study has analyzed various legislations such as: consumer protection law, sector-specific regulations, among others concerning the rights and duties of consumer protection. Second, legal obligations in seeking remedies when there is a discriminatory treatment in digital banking services. Third, it has been established that Saudi Arabia have taken a proactive step towards a robust safety cushion to protect the consumer rights and minimizing the risks involved in cybersecurity in the context of Saudi Arabia. Theoretically, on one hand, the study highlights the paramount significance to consumers’ protection legislations in the Kingdom. On the other hand, practically, the Kingdom’s witness of rapid economic growth and technological advancement, ensuring robust consumer protection measures becomes increasingly paramount to foster trust, promote fair business practices, and enhance consumer confidence in the marketplace. Nonetheless, some limitations such as insufficient consumers’ education and regulatory inadequacies were noted which need national coordination between stakeholders. Notwithstanding the fact that the legal framework exhibits strong points especially in addressing vital issues, its timely evaluation, amendment, and enforcement is deemed as a key to solve the emerging challenges and obtain confidence of consumers when it comes to digital banking.
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