Effect of in-stream ads on viewer’s attitude to purchase—The moderating role of viewer’s control

Orangzab Orangzab, Muhammad Ismail, Minhas Akbar, Vaclav Zubr, Syed Muntazir Mehdi, Asokan Vasudevan, Huimin Fan

Article ID: 5401
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


Research in the field of online advertising has focused on the effect of in-stream ads on viewers’ attitudes and intentions to purchase. However, little is known regarding the crucial role of viewer’s control in terms of the ‘skip ad option’ towards the attitude to purchase. This research aims to investigate the effect of in-stream ads on viewers’ attitudes to purchasing with the moderating role of viewer control. Primary data was collected from respondents of Vehari district of Pakistan through a questionnaire based on 5 points Likert scale. 370 questionnaires were incorporated after excluding the questionnaires having missing values. Structural equation modelling was used through SmartPLS-3 software in testing the hypotheses. The findings reveal that, in-stream (emotional, informational, and entertaining) ads have positive impact on viewers’ attitudes, and viewers’ control moderates the relationship between in-stream ads and viewers’ attitudes towards the ads. Further, viewers’ attitude toward the ads has a significant positive impact on viewers’ intention to purchase. To the best of our knowledge this is one of the first studies that examines the effect of in-stream ads on viewers’ attitudes to purchasing with the moderating role of viewer control in the context of a developing country, like Pakistan.


in-stream ads; viewers’ attitude towards ad; viewers’ control; viewers’ intention to purchase; Pakistan

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i8.5401


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