Online professional development and cognitive growth: A quantitative analysis for special education educators
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
This research quantitatively examines how online professional development (OPD) affects cognitive development in special education instructors. 100 individuals took part in outpatient department activities for six months, undergoing cognitive ability examinations before and after the intervention. Descriptive statistics, paired samples t-tests, multiple regression analysis, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and Pearson correlation coefficients were used to analyze the data. The findings show a significant rise in post-test scores on the Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT) after taking part in the OPD program. Years of experience and education level were important indicators of cognitive progress, emphasizing the significance of individual traits. Moreover, those with greater expertise and advanced levels of education often had better marks on the post-test. The results highlight the significance of cognitive growth as a crucial result of professional development for special education instructors, adding to the existing knowledge base. The research suggests giving priority to cognitive growth in professional development programs, customizing programs to meet individual requirements, and offering continuous support to educators. Future studies should investigate how OPD impacts cognitive development and analyze its lasting consequences on teacher efficacy and student results.
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