The influential impact of business intelligence tools usage in establishing responsible business practices using knowledge management stages in the educational sector
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
Business intelligence is crucial for businesses, from start-ups to multinationals. Examining the role and efficacy of business intelligence (BI) technologies in gathering, processing, and evaluating data to assist responsible management practices and decision-making is crucial in the modern age, especially for educational institutions. This study investigates the impact of Business Intelligence (BI) tools on Knowledge Management (KM) stages and their subsequent influence on Responsible Business Practices Outcomes in the educational sector of the United Arab Emirates. Using a quantitative research design, the study collected data from 406 faculty and staff members across various UAE universities via a structured survey. It analyzed the data using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results revealed a significant positive relationship between the use of BI Tools and the implementation of KM Stages, indicating that the utilization of BI tools is instrumental in enhancing knowledge management processes. However, the direct effect of BI Tools’ usage on responsible business practices’ outcomes was insignificant, suggesting the need for a mediating factor. KM Stages Implementation emerged as a significant mediator, indicating that the benefits of BI tools on responsible business practices are realized through their influence on KM processes. Moderation analyses showed that Institutional Culture, Training, and Expertise significantly moderated the relationship between BI Tools Usage and KM stage implementation, while Support from Management did not have a significant moderating effect. These findings highlight the importance of fostering an enabling institutional culture and investing in training and expertise to leverage the full potential of BI tools in promoting responsible business practices in educational settings. The study contributes to the literature on technology adoption in education and provides practical implications for educational administrators and policymakers seeking to integrate BI tools into their institutional practices.
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