Transformational leadership’s role in shaping Education 4.0 within higher education

Asmah Bohari, Walton Wider, Lester Naces Udang, Leilei Jiang, Jem Cloyd M. Tanucan, Surianti Lajuma

Article ID: 4900
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


Integrating Education 4.0 in higher education necessitates a transformational leadership approach that champions innovation and technology adoption. This paper reviews the impact of transformational leadership in fostering a conducive environment for Education 4.0, emphasising personalised and technology-enhanced learning experiences. With their vision and motivational prowess, transformational leaders are crucial in steering educational institutions through digital transformation, encouraging the adoption of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and data analytics. These leaders are pivotal in nurturing a culture of continuous improvement and empowerment, actively involving team members in pursuing collective achievements and personal growth. The study highlights the importance of transformational leadership in addressing the dynamic challenges and opportunities presented by Education 4.0. By inspiring educators and students to embrace change, transformational leaders facilitate the integration of innovative teaching methods and technologies, enhancing learning outcomes and preparing students for the demands of the digital age. The findings suggest that transformational leadership is instrumental in creating a flexible, relevant, and forward-thinking educational environment that aligns with the objectives of Education 4.0. This paper advocates strategically emphasising the development of transformational leaders within academic institutions. Such leadership is essential for navigating the complexities of digital-area education, ensuring institutions remain adaptive and responsive to technological advancements, and equipping students with the necessary skills to thrive in a rapidly evolving landscape.


transformational leadership; Education 4.0; education policy; higher education; opinion paper

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