Impact of tax policies and strategies on tobacco consumption behavior of individual—Evidence from Thailand

Supit Boonlab, Sanitdech Jintana, Pongsatean Luengalongkot, Nonglakhana Waiprom

Article ID: 4890
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


The government’s increased cigarette tariff aims to lower smoking rates and avoid adverse impacts. This study’s goal was to offer process innovation for lowering Asian’ smoking behavior. The participants were chosen by stratified random selection from a total of 738 people residing in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand. The instrument was a questionnaire. A software programmer was used to examine descriptive and inferential statistics using EFA and one-way ANOVA techniques. A strategic framework guideline using a SWOT analysis and TOWS matrix to encourage smoking reduction was proposed. The findings revealed two components: smoking behavior change and continues smoking that were based on SWOT analysis and TOWs matrix. There were nine strategies for the excise department to consider for the adjustment of the next policy in terms of reducing the number of smokers. The practical and policy suggestions could help reduce the negative impact of the cigarette industry on public health and increase government revenue while addressing weaknesses and threats in the industry.


tax increasing policy; tobacco consumption behavior; SWOT analysis; TOWS matrix; Asians

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