Cultural values in Colombia and Chile: The role of sex

Delio I. Castaneda, Camilo Ramirez

Article ID: 4542
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


Culture is a cohesive system of values, meanings, and behaviors. This study follows Hofstede’s framework of cultural dimensions, which is widely studied in different contexts. Although culture is a subject of extensive research, few recent studies evaluate culture between countries. This study analyzed the cultural dimensions identified in two Latin American countries: Colombia and Chile. In addition, it evaluated differences in both countries by sex. The study was conducted with 382 workers from Chile and 617 from Colombia. Significant differences were found between Colombia and Chile in power distance, paternalism, and masculinity-femininity. This exploratory study may contribute to discussing the role of culture and sex in organizations operating in different countries.


cultural values; Colombia; Chile; Hofstede; sex

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