Incidence of trust in corporate value generated by ICT in commerce and services microbusinesses

Manuel Fernando Cabrera, Yessica Adriana Peña

Article ID: 4421
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024

VIEWS - 271 (Abstract)


The main objective of this study is to identify the impact of trust on the construction of corporate value in commerce and services microbusinesses. This work is based on identifying the challenges faced by SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), which are conditioned by the type of business and the regulatory and incentive variables that exist in the territory, affecting their permanence and stability in the market and their financial and commercial development. A local study is carried out in Bogotá, Colombia, through a descriptive research project, using a quantitative analysis method (SPSS) to process data obtained from local microbusinesses. As a result, it was observed that trust has a discrete impact on the creation of corporate value, which is created from the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). This leads to the recognition that it is necessary to strengthen horizontal networks with suppliers, clients, and similar businesses, as well as vertical networks with entities and public associations, to generate lasting and strong links that increase the competitiveness of these business units in the face of exogenous risks shaped by the social, economic, and cultural characteristics of the territory, which are increasingly conditioned to the use of communication technology.


trust; ICT; corporate value; networks; competitiveness

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