The proliferation of neoliberal ideology: A study of international anti-corruption discourse through the lens of institutional entrepreneurship theory

Ivy Abat Brown, Mai Thi Thanh Thai

Article ID: 4295
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


This study examines the development and influence of the international anti-corruption regime, utilizing Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to dissect the discursive practices that shape perceptions of corruption and the strategies employed to combat it. Our analysis reveals how Western institutional entrepreneurs play a pivotal role in defining corruption predominantly as bribery and governance failures, underpinned by a neoliberal ideology that prescribes societal norms and identifies corrupt practices. By exploring the mechanisms through which this ideology is propagated, the research enriches institutional entrepreneurship theory and highlights the neoliberal foundations of current anti-corruption efforts. This study not only enhances our understanding of the institutional frameworks that govern anti-corruption discourse but also demonstrates how discourse legitimizes certain ideologies while marginalizing others. The findings offer practical tools for altering power dynamics, promoting equitable participation, and addressing the imbalanced North-South power relations. By challenging established perspectives, this research contributes to transformative discourse and action, offering new pathways for understanding and combating corruption. These insights have significant theoretical and practical implications for improving the effectiveness of corruption prevention and counteraction strategies globally.


institutional entrepreneurship; institutional logic; corruption; critical discourse analysis; divergent change; neoliberal ideology

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