Hate speech in higher education: Exploring student perspectives and its impact on democratic values

Kimete Canaj, Artan Nimani, Shqipe Husaj, Blerim Canaj

Article ID: 10918
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


Hate speech in higher education institutions is a pressing issue that threatens democratic values and social cohesion. This research explores student perspectives on hate speech within the university setting, examining its forms, causes, and impacts on democratic principles such as freedom of expression and inclusivity. This research is extended to determine the debates and theories elaborated from different perspectives qualitative and quantitative analysis of data collected from 108 participants at Higher Education in Kosovo. From the communication standpoint, analyzing hate speech in the media and social media is key to understanding the type of message used, its emitter, how the message rallies supporters, and how they interpret message. The findings highlight the need for proactive policies and educational interventions to mitigate Research on hate speech in higher education in Kosovo is crucial for fostering social cohesion and inclusivity in its diverse society. Hate speech undermines the academic environment, negatively affecting students’ mental health, learning outcomes, and overall well-being, necessitating efforts to create safer educational spaces. The study aligns with Kosovo’s aspirations for European integration, emphasizing adherence to human rights and anti-discrimination principles. Despite the issue’s significance, there is a lack of empirical data on hate speech in Kosovo’s higher education, making this research vital for evidence-based policymaking. With a youth-centric focus, the study aims to educate and empower young people as future leaders to embrace respect and inclusivity. By addressing hate speech’s local challenges and global relevance, the research supports institutional reforms and offers valuable insights for post-conflict and multicultural societies. Hate speech while fostering a culture of mutual respect and democratic engagement.


Hate speech; freedom of expression; democratic values; free speech; social media

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10918


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