A comparative study of intercultural competence and inclusion: Mainstream vs. multiethnic schools using the Intercultural Competence and Inclusion in Education Scale (ICIES)

Mihaela David-Izvernar, Alina Roman, Mușata Bocoș, Dana Rad, Alina Costin, Tiberiu Dughi, Mihaela Rus, Roxana Chiș, Maria Sinaci, Regis Roman, Sabin Chiș

Article ID: 10635
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


Using the Intercultural Competence and Inclusion in Education Scale (ICIES), this study examines variations in intercultural competence and inclusion between mainstream and multiethnic high schools. The sample consisted of 384 high school students, aged 17 to 18, from both rural and urban areas in Western Romania, enrolled in grades 11 and 12. The ICIES demonstrated strong reliability, with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.721. Exploratory factor analysis revealed three distinct dimensions: Intercultural opportunities and activities, Comfort in diverse settings, and Cultural reflection and values. Independent samples t-tests identified significant differences between mainstream and multiethnic schools across several items, with students in multiethnic schools reporting higher levels of intercultural competence and inclusion. These findings highlight the critical role of multicultural educational settings in fostering students’ cultural awareness and inclusive attitudes. This study provides actionable insights for enhancing multicultural education practices and policies, including teacher training programs, inclusive curricula, and extracurricular initiatives that promote intercultural engagement and reduce intergroup biases.


intercultural competence; multiethnic schools; high school students; inclusive attitudes; cultural reflection

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10635


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