Identifying readiness and stakeholder involvement in creating innovative services at the Daarul Rahman Islamic boarding school

Konita Lutfiyah, Mohammad Syamsul Maarif, Yudha Heryawan Asnawi, Laily Dwi Arsyianti

Article ID: 10057
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


Modernizing the Internet of Things in Islamic boarding schools is essential to eliminate backwardness and skills gaps. Santri must have cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and creative intelligence to be ready to enter the industrial and business world. The students’ need for information transparency can be resolved using technology. This is because the empowerment of the Internet of Things has become a separate part of Islamic boarding school activities with students who can connect in real-time. This research aims to analyze current conditions and stakeholder involvement regarding the application of the Internet of Things in innovative Islamic boarding school services in the era of disruption. The Descriptive Method and Individual Interest Matrix Analysis were used by involving 130 respondents from the internal environment of the Daarul Rahman Islamic boarding school and completing the questionnaire through FGD (Focus Group Discussion) with the leaders of the Daarul Rahman Islamic boarding school. The results show that the current condition of Islamic boarding schools is that most need to learn or understand IoT, even though they are enthusiastic about learning new things and flexible in accepting change. The challenges required in implementing IoT are financial investment, increasing human resources through training, and synergy between Islamic boarding school policy makers. Mutually supportive and solid conditions are required between foundations, school principals, and school committees to implement IoT at Daarul Rahman Islamic Boarding School. Collaboration with various parties is needed because the implementation of IoT cannot be done alone by Islamic boarding schools but with the support of various related parties.


innovative; internet of things; Islamic education; Islamic boarding schools; stakeholders

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