Taiwan unlawful remediation approach

T. Y. Yeh, Min-Hao Wu, K F Chen, Y P Peng

Article ID: 955
Vol 2, Issue 2, 2019


Soil and groundwater remediation act has been enacted and executed since year 2000 in Taiwan.  It has been ten good years till today where lots of remediation techniques progressively employed to improve Taiwan soil and groundwater resource quality.  Regulatory agencies, academia, remediation consulting firms, on-site professional engineers all have contribute the proud ten years in terms of soil and groundwater clean-up contribution.  However, some of technologies were un-environmental friendly even detrimental and damage to Taiwan precious soil and groundwater resources.  In Article one of the current Taiwan soil and groundwater Act, it clearly stated that soil is a precious nature resources.  Soil definitely is not a waste, shame on us most of current most commonly employed remediation are unlawful and merely aiming to save time and money consideration without any care to our land.  Dig-and-dump and soil acid washing are damaged employed in almost every single local environment agency soil clean-up project.  Lot of money, effort and time has been spent during past ten years.  Most of the spending is not improving soil quality using Green approach.


Soil and Groundwater Remediation Act; Dig-and-dump; Soil Acid Washing

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/sf.v1i3.955


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