Forest dynamics in different scenarios: Selective logging in the middle Magdalena (Colombia)

Isabel C. Restrepo, Ana M. Aldana, Pablo R. Stevenson

Article ID: 1613
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2021


Selective logging is a frequently used forest use activity that has been shown to have less impact on biodiversity than clear-cutting. However, both the magnitude and direction of ecological change after logging depend on its intensity and subsequent forest dynamics. Therefore, it is important to conduct studies to understand the functioning of different ecosystems after selective logging. This study analyzed forest dynamics in the El Paujil reserve (Middle Magdalena, Colombia) in terms of demography, regeneration, clear-cutting dynamics, biomass accumulation and floristic composition by comparing two one-hectare plots in a fragment of the little disturbed (primary) forest and two one-hectare plots in a fragment of the forest that was selectively logged in the past. As expected, forest structure and biomass accumulation are altered by selective logging, but it did not have a significant impact on the other aspects mentioned, since it seems that the steep slopes of the area cause high mortality and promote the formation of clearings in both logged and lightly disturbed forests.


Aerial Biomass; Primary Forest; Floristic Composition; Demography; Serranía de las Quinchas

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