Rethinking forest management issues in China in the context of the new era

Derong Lin

Article ID: 1610
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2021


The contradiction between the ability of forestry that provides high-quality and abundant forestry products and good ecological services, and the demand for high-quality and diversified forestry products and service in order to meet the people’s rapid growing, has become the main contradiction faced by forestry development in new era. Since the area of forest resources in China is restricted by the expansion space, expanding the effective supply of forestry must mainly depends on the improvement of the quality and structure of forestry resources. Therefore, the focus of promoting forestry development is to comprehensively improve the level of forest management in the new era. Based on the analysis of the causes for the low level of forest management, it is proposed that forestry development in the new era should focus on the positively stimulating and strengthening the human capital development, etc., which come from the current following aspects: innovating forest management theory and model, clarifying the relationship between government and market.


New Era; Forestry Development; Forest Management

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