The effects of mobile thermal power plants on air quality in Turkey
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2021
VIEWS - 6063 (Abstract) 5587 (PDF)
In this study, daily averages of air quality parameters were measured in two stations (S1 and S2) of the organized industrial district in Samsun. The meteorological variables were measured at only one station (S1), such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, solar radiation, and ambient pressure in 2007, and the daily promised limit for nitrogen dioxide has been especially exceeded at 206 times for 1st station. However, exceeds of the limit value in 2006 for 1st station was reduced by approximately 3.5 times. The daily nitrogen dioxide concentration did not exceed the daily limit of WHO[1] as for 2nd station. The results obtained showed that under the influence of dominant wind direction, the second station measurement results are higher than that of the first station. To determine all of the possible environmental effects, the measurements should be analyzed from a multi-point perspective.
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