An integrated urban water resources management approach for infrastructure and urban planning

Berna Çalışkan

Article ID: 4504
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2024



Transportation projects are crucial for the overall success of major urban, metropolitan, regional, and national development according to their capacity by bringing significant changes in socio-economic and territorial aspects. In this context, sustaining and developing economic and social activities depend on having sufficient Water Resources Management. This research helps to manage transport project planning and construction phases to analyze the surface water flow, high-level streams, and wetland sites for the development of transportation infrastructure planning, implementation, maintenance, monitoring, and long-term evaluations to better face the challenges and solutions associated with effective management and enhancement to deal with Low, Medium, High levels of impact. A case study was carried out using the Arc Hydro extension within ArcGIS for processing and presenting the spatially referenced Stream Model. Geographical information systems have the potential to improve water resource planning and management. The study framework would be useful for solving water resource problems by enabling decision makers to collect qualitative data more effectively and gather it into the water management process through a systematic framework.


integrated water resources management; urban water system integration; geographical information systems; hydro tool

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