Population distribution characteristics and its relationship with natural factors in karst mountainous areas of Northwest Guangxi
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2020
The smallest administrative unit of the sixth national census-township (town) is selected as the basic unit, the population spatial distribution characteristics at the township (town) level in karst mountainous areas of northwest Guangxi are analyzed by using Lorenz curve and spatial correlation analysis method, and the influence intensity of natural factors on regional population spatial distribution is detected by using geographic detector method. The results show that: 1. the spatial distribution of population at the township (town) level has the characteristics of imbalance, showing generally significant positive correlation and certain aggregation; 2. There are significant differences in the impact of the spatial distribution of various natural factors on the population distribution. For the towns without karst distribution in the northwest and central south of the study area, the population density increases with the increase of factors conducive to human residence, but the average population density is only 79 people/km2. In the towns with karst distribution in the East and south, the spatial distribution of population density and natural factors is not a simple increase or decrease relationship, but fluctuates with the change of karst distribution area. 3. The factor detection results of the geographic detector show that the altitude has the greatest impact on the spatial distribution of population. The interactive detection results show that the impact intensity of any two natural factors after superposition and interaction presents nonlinear enhancement and two factor enhancement. It can be seen that the karst mountain area in northwest Guangxi is similar to other areas. Altitude is one of the main factors affecting the spatial distribution of population, but the river network density and unique geological landform of karst mountain area have a strong catalytic effect on the spatial distribution of population. The superposition and interaction with other factors can further strengthen the impact on population distribution.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jgc.v3i1.1303
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